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our claim is to always look after you in the best possible way.


if required, we therefore draw on a broad spectrum of hands-on consultants, freelancers, marketing and technical service providers with whom we have been working together successfully and in a spirit of trust for many years.

managing partner
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associate partner

we will take care of the project communication so that you don't have to deal with every service provider individually.


your advantage:

one contact person and hardly any coordination effort.

ado nolte – m.b.a.

ado was for about 20 years in leading marketing management roles of well-known german retail companies and 8 years managing director of an agency for customer-centered marketing (kundenbürohh), which he co-founded.


ado stands for consulting (strategy, brand, customer), project management, interim management and cmo-sparring.

» more

katharina nolte – m.b.a.

katharina was for about 6 years hr-manager of an industrial insurance broker and has been a consultant for SMEs in the field of customer acquisition and customer retention for 7 years.


at focusedmarketing katharina stands for consulting (strategy, brand, customer) and project management.

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